We left Stockton, Illinois at 7 and it was so cute. Emily and E.Orr settled into the back seat and chatted, giggled. It sounded so sweet. I gave them a deck of skip bo cards I keep in the car and they played that for a little while.. When we crossed the Mississippi River they tried to hold their breath ,,, it was so funny.. They would take a big breath and then giggle.. When we got across the bridge I had Dave stop at the Hy-Vee grocery store and we went inside and bought meat, cereal, snacks, milk..All set for tomorrows breakfast which I will be hiding their breakfast in one of the trees outside for them to find. It's a tradition that I always do when the grandkids came to the house.

Here we are all fed and ready to leave our separate ways.. Kelly is so beautiful.. I'm going to miss her so much.. She was wonderful while she was here..
Look at Emily and E.Orr aren't they just darling? such wonderful smiles..
On the way home I took a picture of the sunset.. God is so good~! Look what he gives us to see everyday~!

I was so surprised these pictures did so well, we were going down the road at 65 miles an hour and I took the picture through the car window.. I love sunsets and sunrises and I just marvel at God's world...
Just went upstairs to take a look at how the girls were doing .. E.Orr was putting ear drops into Emily's ear.. so cute.. Emily has swimmers ear.
Well, this is our first evening together. These two girls are like bear cubs they just enjoy each other so much. I can hardly wait what the week is going to hold for us.
Have a Blessed Day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

adorable girls...LOVE the sunsets so beautiful!!!!!!
You are a good grammie! What fun you all will have. They are at a great age for visiting.
The sunset picture did turn out well. I haven't tried that.
What a fun time - you all look so happy!
Beautiful sunset and darling girls. Can't wait to hear about this weeks adventures!
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