This hat I made for Kelly age 11.. She said she had many colors in her coat so I thought this verigated yarn would be the best.. I thought these hats turned out really cute.. They are crocheted and it takes me about 4 hours to make. This hat is also made with 100% wool. I used to work at a yarn shop . I have lots of yarn in my sewing room.
I have more hats to make for Christmas presents and I'm glad they go together pretty quick and they are easy to make. Also glad I have lots of yarn.
Well, this afternoon I went up to Central City and picked up Ben at daycare. He's so cute. He was so happy to see me he ran across the room and jumped into my arms.. He said "Hi GranAnnie~!"..I love you"... Oh how sweet is that. I took him to his Mommie's house. I had made Spagetti for supper and when Tracie got home we had supper. He must of been hungry he ate everything that I had put on his plate. Tracie left to go to school and Ben and I settled down with Thomas the Train. He always gives me Gordon to play with and he has James. Today the adventure was James falling off the bridge and Gordon has to come save him and get him back on the track.. He helped me put clothes in the washer and we popped some popcorn. He wanted to watch one of his Curious George Dvd's so that is what we did next.. Then it was time for a bath and reading books and bedtime.. He is such a sweet boy and I just love to play with him..
We have lots of adventures. When I left Tracie's house at 9:30 p.m ~ it was 9 degrees outside.. Man oh man it was so cold and the car was freezing.. So glad I have butt warmers in my car ~ it feels so good...
Oh I forgot to say that Grandpa Dee Dee bought Ben a snow shovel today.. It's a sturdy child's snow shovel.. When Ben and I got to his house the shovel was standing inside the kitchen.. He eyed it and ran back outside to shovel the walks with his new shovel... He then told me to call Grandpa Dee Dee on my phone . Ben told him Thank you for the shovel. I thought that was really thoughtful for a 4 year old to do.. He loved using his shovel and he brought it back in the house and put it in the corner by the door.. Ready to use again.
Tomorrow is Tuesday and I'm not planning on going anywhere... making hats will be my goal and reading all my blogs.. Have a great evening...stay warm and be careful if it's freezing cold where you live. Getting frost bit it so fun~! Ta Ta For Now....from Iowa it's now 4 degrees and I'm not planning on going back outside tonight..
Awesome Hats Annie. You are the best!
Those hats are great! My head is itching now! (I'm allergic to wool). :)
Glad you are enjoying your days, even in the cold. Your grandchild and his snow shovel sound so cute!
JDaniel loves his shovel. We don't get much snow here. He mostly shovels mulch.
Annie, I'm still searching for a hat pattern for my 2yr old granddaughter....any ideas? ...:)JP
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