After I left the dentist office I went to Target to look for Ben a birthday present. I found Jessie from Toy Story, he already has Buzz Light Year and Woody.. They interact with each other and talk. It's so cute. So I thought he would like Jessie.. I also bought him a game called Pigeon.. It's a matching game and it's for 4+ to adult.. The game is inside a bird.. I can hardly wait to see what this game is all about and play it with Ben.
I found puzzles called Tangoes.. Ages 4+ It has 12 double sided cards, magnetic pieces and a playing case where you store all the puzzles and the magnetic pieces . It has 2 levels of play on each card. It says on the box that it develops creative ability. It combines artistic and mathematical elements to build fine motor skills, visual discrimination and cognitive abilities... O.K. I just opened it up and it's really a great educational puzzles.. I think Ben will really like doing this because he loves to do puzzles. I also bought him 6 pair of socks.. That should do it for his birthday... Practical~ plus educational and fun~! I think I covered all bases and Ben should really have fun..and learn while he is having fun.
This afternoon I picked up Ben from daycare. He had his Buzz Light Year, Woody and of course Nibbles .. and his pack back.. His teacher said he had a really good day.. but no nap.. But he laid still on his cot and was very quiet.. We got to his house about 5 and his Mom was just leaving for school...got supper over and he helped me with dishes.. He loves to wash them.. I dry them.. He wanted to watch Toy Story 3 Movie.. He had his Buzz Light Year, Woody lined up on the couch along with Nibbles. !/2 way through the movie I told him it was time for a bath.. He said "Alright".. So he took a bath for 35 minutes. Enjoying getting into the bathtub and laying down and playing with his Thomas the Trains. After not being able to get into the bathtub for 3 weeks he is really enjoying his bath. I bought him some bubble bath and he thought that was so cool.
Out of the tub and into warm PJ's (I put them in the dryer).. Boot back on his foot to protect his leg and we played Super Nintendo for 1/2 hour.. then it was story time. 5 books read and then off to bed and to sleep. He had his chocolate milk and in 15 minutes he was asleep.. I took Nibbles out of his bed and decided he needed a bath.. He was smelling bad:( Tracie came home and while Nibbles was drying in the dryer she worked on my feet with her massaging magic. This is the area that she had class on tonight. It really felt good. I'm thinking it's going to be a wonderful thing to have a massage therapist in the family. Before I left Tracies house I put Nibbles back in bed with Ben.. Oh my, Nibbles smells good again.
Pretty tired and ready for bed.. Have a great day and ta ta for now~from Iowa...~!
what a good grandma.. and yahooo for a sweet smelling nibbles!
Yea! new teeth and new nibbles. All is right with the world. Have a great day!
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