I love going to Hy-Vee grocery store and shake hands with the old and young people who have served in the military.. I really like to shake the old men's hands and thank them.. Yesterday I talked with a old man who had flown for the Air Force in World War 2... I love to hear the stories.. HE started crying when he mentioned all the friends that had died while in the war. Then I met a man who was captured at the Battle of the Bulge and how he had to walk for miles into Germany to go to the concentration camp.. What a sad story that was , I don't know how he lived through all the suffering he went through being in the prison camp. He was so old and frail.. I really enjoy talking with these old men.. They are priceless and I love to sit and listen and they love to just have someone to sit and listen to them...
This morning, I was cleaning out my kitchen cupboard and went through all my cups that I have .. Do we need all of these..? I should of taken a picture of all the cups I have in that cupboard.. All my cups are pretty much ones that people have given me. There is the Goodwill find~ Granny Annie , the one that John my grandson made for me, my tigger cup, Goodness to be, it just goes on and on. But I found this one in the back... So I brought it out this morning and decided to put the Granny Annie cup in the back for awhile. I love birds and just up my alley to drinking out of a feel good cup . It's a Lang and Wise collector's cup and has a number underneath.. That doesn't really matter to me ~ it's just a beautiful cup.. It holds a good amount of coffee or tea... that is all that matters.

I love the little hummingbird that is on the inside of the cup.. and since I'm right handed I get to see my little friend every time I take a sip..sweet.
This evening is the gathering of women at Sharon's house. She lives behind me 1/4 mile ( all my neighbors are about 1/4 mile from me in all directions ) and we gather there for fellowship of talking , laughing sharing and sewing on our different projects that we are working on right now. I think this is a good thing. I'm working on my Locker Hooking rug 30x36. It's going to be awhile before I get this one done.. But it's a great project and portable to be able to take to Sharon's on Thurs. nights. . I'll have to take a picture of Sharon and her sewing room.. It's a room to die for..well not really die but it's one that I droll over when I am at her house. It's a spacious room with LOTS of windows to look out over her backyard . She has a horse and a cow, chickens, with the crowing roosters. It's always fun to watch them outside before it gets dark.
Yesterday as I was fixing supper I looked out over the field and saw the horse and the cow running through our field.. I called Sharon right away and she said "I'll send my son, Henry over".. It's like that horse and cow knew I was calling their owner~ they started running towards her property. Within 5 minutes she was calling me and said they ran back to her pasture and stood at the back gate (if they could talk ~ they were saying "Let me in~!" Let me in ~! They were waiting for someone to open it up and let them back in to their area.. We were both laughing. Henry was just getting his boots on and was heading for his truck when he saw them at the gate. Wish all animals were this easy to get back where they belong..

Well, this mornings sunrise was as spectacular as yesterdays.. Look at all the streaks across the sky this morning. It was so beautiful and I just stood there in awe as I watched the morning come alive. Birds were singing,, people going down the road going to work (yeah I'm retired),
Yesterday turned out to be wonderful. I read on Facebook that my neighbor, Lori was having problems with water backing up into her basement and the Roto Rooter Co. was coming out to fix the problem.. I had just made a pot of tea and thought I would take it and go to her house for a visit and to bring her laundry home to be washed.. She has 4 children which means they are needing clean clothes. She was so happy when I showed up at her front door and I was so happy because she let me have all her laundry. I think I would of said "No it's O.K.".. pride gets in the way sometimes in our lives.. I'm like Ben, I can do it meself... (Ben is my grandson and is 4). She told me she had a bloodclot in her leg and the Dr. told her to sit with her leg up above her waist.. There we were with our tea, Lori sitting on the couch with her leg proped up and her computer close by and her bible and devotions. While I was there a gal that goes to Lori's church stopped by , it looked like she had something good to eat in the basket that she was carrying.. I visited for awhile and left to go get Lori's laundry done and get it back to her in the afternoon. When I went back to her house to bring back her clean clothes she said her leg was not swollen anymore and she was feeling so much better. She said "How can I not feel better ~ God is taking care of me">>>God is in control ~ we just have to learn to let go.. So this goes along with what I was saying yesterday in my blog...It is more blessed to give than to receive.. I'm good at giving but have a hard time receiving.. I have to work on that one.
In my devotions this morning it talks about changing and growing. On the top of Mount Everest is a marker which reads, "He died Climbing". Growth is a uphill climb. If you want to keep growing you must never stop climbing. "The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. "Proverbs 4:18. Effective teaching only comes through a changed person. When we stop changing we stop leading. So today I ask God to pinpoint the areas in which I need to change and grow.. (oh that is scary)... You all have a great day today and may God's blessing come to you in a great wave....Ta Ta For Now from Iowa it's 47 and sunny.
Growing & climbing? Hmmm...perhaps that's why I like to climb the mountain so much! Thanks, Annie...:)JP
Such a lovely post to read, and pretty photos too. I would love to have you for a neighbor. Thanks for stopping by, have a wonderful weekend.
You always share such wonderful parts of your day. That sunrise is spectacular!
I wonder what mine looked like this morning- I missed it.
Thanks for yours:)))
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