Not a really good picture of Mr. Red Tailed Hawk but you can see how big he is and how impressive he looks sitting on this lower branch of the pine tree near the front of my house..

Interesting how the Goldfinches camouflage themselves in the winter. The males in the summer are so golden in color and then in winter the darker feathers grow over the bright yellow ones . Otherwise they would stand out like a sore thumb and be eaten by Mr. Hawk for breakfast.

This bird is a junco.. He is actually the first bird to come in the fall and then you know winter is coming.. We have lots of moles in our yard and they keep the earth turned over and makes our yard look lumpy.. We live in the country and we don't really care what our yard looks like..
Yesterday I had the most fun... I had lunch with a friend that has moved back in the area.. She had her little boy , age 4 with her.. Chase is his name.. He is so cute with his curly hair.. I went out to my car and brought the bag I use for Ben . It has lots of things in it like: coloring books, reading books, those new crayons that squiggle out by turning the bottom of the crayon. I love them~! so did he. I have sewing cards which I think are fun orr you can put them on paper and outline them with a crayon. I saw on http://www.Jdaniel4'sMom.com this morning a great idea on another use for playdough.. So I'm going to add a container of playdough to this bag.. Chase had a good time coloring and playing with all the stuff I have in Ben's bag.. It was so good to see Tricia and Chase. She has one more boy who is in Kindergarten. Camden.. Her husband, Rick lost his job in Ohio and was able to get a job at Rockwell here in Cedar Rapids.
Last night I went to the neighbors house ~ her name is Sharon. Every Thursday she has some ladies in for tea and some kind of dessert (she had carrot cake this time) and they have different sewing projects. Sharon was working on her quilt, another gal was working on a thanksgiving runner that she is hand quilting and two other girls came just to enjoy the girl talk.
This is the first time I have gone and man oh man I really enjoyed these girls.. The project I took : Fabric Locker Hooking. You can make rugs . placemats, pillows, hot pads for the table. place hot things on these pads. I'm making a hot pad for the table just to get the feel of the project before I start on making a rug... The girls were so excited about this project that I was working on that next week they want me to give them lessons. no problem I can do that. I had such a good time and the time just flew by and it was time to go home.. I left Sharon's house after 10... One of the girls that wasn't there last night makes socks.. So I'm going to go buy the yarn and have her show me how to do that, as I love home-made knitted socks. Hope she is there in the coming weeks. She goes to our church , maybe I'll put a bug in her ear and ask her when she is coming next..to Sharon's house on Thurs. night... I can hardly wait until next Thursday... (I don't have Ben on Thurs. nights anymore, Tracie changed the day and I have him on Monday nights now)...
It's Friday and time for the week-end football games. I love to watch college football games as well as basketball games.. Have a great week-end and Ta Ta For Now from Iowa where the tall corn grows and it's 37 degrees and sunny...
Wow beautiful photos!!
Happy Friday dear! ENJOY! :)
It is so cold where you are. We will get into the 50's today. It sounds like you have been so busy. It must be great to get together with ladies from church and create. The project sounds wonderful. I hope you will post pictures.
Thank you for mentioning our play dough project. We had such fun doing it.
Annie, the red-tails might need extra food to fees their young since they sometimes are in the nest 30 days. Remember song-birds can have several sets of young each year, while red-tails have one set....:)JP
Ooooooo! The red tail hawk is so scary. I can always tell when a hawk is in the area since our birds stay real still and some stay in my feeder that has a cage around it to keep out the squirrels. I understand they have to feed their young also but I wish they could just feed them suet and bird seed like other birds.
PS. The juncos showed up here one week ago and we did have snow showers today. I guess winter is here and the juncos are right.
My poor birds have to fight the squirrels for their turn at the feeders! Your pictures are so good!
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