This is the sunset from last night.. I thought it was so beautiful~! The sun was red and everything just glowed a rosy

Here is our Benny boy.. HE is so funny, he thinks if he has on these blue swimming glasses you can't see him.. He loves swimming at Holly's house and he is getting braver and braver everytime we go..

He's a happy boy... I just told him were going swimming..
We have such a bad case of Japanese Beetles.. I bought one of those beetle kits.. I put it out 4 days ago.. In one day I emptied the bag 3 times.. They smell so bad.. just like vomit.. So I decided that the small bags that comes with the kit was just not big enough.. SO I put out a kitchen garbage bag.. In 3 days I have collect a 1/2 bag of them per day.. Today Albert Martin who farms our farm came and sprayed for the Beetles.. I was so happy. I took down all my bags and burned them.. no more smell, no more beetles... The only way to really kill them is to empty the beetles that are in the bag into a bucket of soapy water.. Yikes they just boil in that water.. I heard a master gardener tell us on the noon news that these beetles have already laid their eggs for next year.. I'm not kidding you we have millions of them.. WHen you drive down the road they hit the windshield, wham wham wham... They must love certain trees because a lot of trees have no leaves and the tree has turned brown.. What is next..
I'm lovin the hot weather because hot weather does not bother me.. just think what the temperature is going to be in 6 months.. That will be January.. freezing cold... I think I'll just hang onto this warmer weather.. We have gotten lots of rain so no problem with the grass growing or the vege's in the garden getting enough moisture.

Have a Tiggeriffic Day~! ta ta for now.. stay cool and be careful~!~!
we are having beautiful weather. I think it is so cute he thinks he is invisable when he has the glasses on. the beetles are not that bad here.
Looks like you found a good way to stay cool! I love grilled cheeses w/ tomato myself.
yes, grilled cheese is really good with a slice of tomato cooked in with the cheese!
Ben is looking smurf blue...and he's invisible...you gotta love that guy. cute!
Your Japanese beetles are like our stink bugs--Just millions of them!!! They are my least favorite thing about the summer, my favorite is also yours, a BLT with an egg fried in bacon grease! mmmmmmm-gooood!! :-)
I see you Bennie. He is such a silly boy. Thank goodness we don't have any beetles this year.
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