Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ben getting ready for Pre-School

Today is August 17th and in 6 days Ben will be starting Pre-School. He is registered at Springville School. I took him last week to see his school and I took pictures. We were all by ourselves. His teacher was not there but up by the office there is pictures of all the teachers.. So I took a picture of his teacher, Miss Kendra Kedley.. This is her second year teaching Pre-School at Springville. I took lots of pictures of Ben sitting in places in the room and he looked all around and talked a lot.. He was worried he was not going to be going to Donna's house. So took the pictures, got them developed and put them on 1/2 a sheet of poster board.. I actually made two ~ one for Donna's house and one for Tracie's house.. It shows his teacher on top of the board and then the inside school picture of the room and then I put a picture of Donna.. I told him in the mornings he would be going to school with Ms. Kedley, from 8:30 to 11:00 and then he would go to Donna's house for lunch. Hopefully this information ahead of time will calm his anxiety.. He doesn't like change and he has a hard time with transition. Donna told me she thought this was a great idea and she would show Ben the poster many times in the day and talk about going to school and then coming to her house afterwards.

This is his classroom. Nice and big and colorful~! He thought this room was so cool and he liked it~!

Here is Ben sitting on his favorite color....Green and a oval shape.. I'm so glad I took these pictures and took him to see his class room ahead of time.

Here is our precious Donna~! He just loves her.. The night before this picture was taken , Tracie and Ben were at Walmart. He saw these flowers and decided to buy them for Donna.. He is being so silly with this picture. He goes to Donna for daycare. She of course enjoyed getting flowers. What girl doesn't enjoy getting flowers.

Just talked with the Doctor.. Last Thursday I went to the hospital to have a MRI. on my right knee. on my left knee I have had two knee replacements so now my right knee is acting up.. YIKES~! Doctor told me I have a torn miniska(spelling wrong) It's the cartilage that is between your knee joints. She said it shows a tear on the inside and the outside of my knee.. I now have an appointment with Dr. Munjal on Sept. 12. 8 a.m. Hopefully I can get by with a repair with scope surgery. Not looking forward to a knee replacement on the right knee. So, I'll just pray that it's not badly injured.

Dave is gone to the National Plowing Matches in Belmond, Iowa.. He will be back on Sunday.. I have always gone to these events with him, but decided too much walking on uneven ground is probably not the best thing for my knee for right now..

Today it's a wonderful day~! 75 ~ sunny and no humidity.. It could stay like this until next March.. (If wishes were horses we would all take a ride). Guess I shouldn't say that because I would miss the snow, and every season that we have. But it is so nice outside.. So I best go outside and enjoy the nice weather while it's here.

Have a Tiggeriffic Day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)


Jill said...

The poster board for Ben is a great idea!!

Sorry about your knee. I hope they can do something less drastic than surgery for you.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Keep us posted on your knee regimen and for crying out loud, Annie, do what they TELL you! As for Ben, he's a trooper and your influence shows on his beaming face!!...:)JP

JSpeas said...

Bennie's room looks really nice. I'm sure he will enjoy his time there. He sure does love Donna.

Anonymous said...

The poster of his classroom is a wonderful idea. I hope you will link this post to my Back to School Traditions link up tomorrow. I think other families would love to read about how you are getting Ben ready for school.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for linking up and sharing.