Friday, August 06, 2010

Ben doing his favorite thing Riding with Steve on his tractor.

Yesterday when I picked up Ben at daycare I noticed that Steve our neighbor was working on fluffing the hay with his new tractor. Ben got all excited~! So we drove down the lane and Steve saw us and stopped his tractor..
He said "Hi Ben, you wanna ride with me?" I said "picture time"..So the boys stopped and let me take a few pictures.
Ben climbed into the cab and off they went.

Hey boys~!
Ben calls Steve's tractor.. Otis.. We borrowed a book from the library and found a tractor story about a red tractor named Otis. We have renewed this book 3 times now.. Guess I better see if I can buy one.. This is Ben's favorite book right now.. Grandpa Dee Dee only has green tractors. Men and their toys ,doesn't matter to Ben green,yellow,red,,he loves them all~!

Bye GranAnnie see you later...
Gotta love it~!~!

1 comment:

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOW! Everything looks so green and good enough for pickin'! And riding on that equipment must have put the biggest smile on Ben's face! Give Emily a hug from me, Annie...:)