Saturday, June 19, 2010

"What's in the mailbox GranAnnie"?

What's in the mailbox GranAnnie? Oh look,,it's tools for working in the garden.. Right next to the climbing clematis..
Hummingbird feeder and my Oriole feeder.. I have lots of Orioles and they eat 1 cup of grape jelly a day..
This is our old mailbox.. I thought it would be good to store my garden tools and my WD40 spray to keep the tools from rusting.. Ben found all the goodies that are stored inside and he just had to try them all out.. Lol

He thinks the gloves are cool to wear to water my plants. Notice: he has on a polar fleece jacket, it's 75 degrees hot and humid. It doesn't matter, he wants on his jacket..
In the background is my vegetable garden.. With all this rain we are getting it's are not doing well.

Now~! petting the dog...that's what the gloves are used for~~ right?
He loves my garden gloves...

Wearing the blue garden gloves for riding his bike....Now that's what they are for mm-mm-?
Ben is quite a boy~!


JSpeas said...

I'm loving the pictures of Ben. He is soooo cute. Great idea with the mailbox. It actually looks like it belongs in the garden. Something Aunt Billie would do to make her garden look country. Blog looks Great! Keep it up.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Your garden is gorgeous!

Carolina Trekker said...

Is that you I hear calling...i'm in the garrrrrdennnnnn! It is just beautiful. Ben and the mailbox are right about where we wrestled those enormous ugly obnoxious orange Rhubarb roots out of the ground as we giggled, sweat and wet our pants.

Carolina Trekker said...

I love you Ben & Rocko. I want Ben in my garden...he is so dear.
I will even add a mailbox for his tools. Ok Ben?