Thursday, February 10, 2005

Seeing Black and White

This morning while walking the kids to school this very ambitious black and white dog almost plowed us over. IT was jumping all over the place, jumping on us, jumping in circles and being crazy. I said to John, "John, this dog looks just like Izzy?". He says, "Grannie Annie ~it is Izzy". I said, "Good Grief". One of the neighbors saw our plight and ran out with a leash. Of course Izzy fought the leash, but after giving her a cookie that I had in pocket, she came to her senses and let me put the leash on her neck. After that I felt like my arms were coming out of their sockets. Izzy was pulling me to school with the kids. She is so strong. Kelly said, "Here Grannie Annie give her to me". I said "No Kelly" she will drag you to school without stopping. After the kids went into the school, Ms. Izzy calmly walked home with me at the end of her leash. What a dog~!
Filled up the feeders this morning. The Red bellied Woodpecker was bawling me out for it's feeder being empty. What a sqawk he has. The squirrels were rushing across the wires at the sound of the feeders being filled. They are very acrobatic. Jumping like leap frogs over each other to see who could get to the feeder first. They have grey squirrels here, they are so pretty.

1 comment:

Carolina Trekker said...

Izzy making Dizzy. Never leave home without a cookie in your pocket.