Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's Tuesday and almost 11 a.m. It's so dark outside we have to have the lights on in the house. It's pouring down rain and the sky is getting darker and darker.. Now the hail has started and my wildbirds have flown off and are taking cover. Yikes~! Rain gauge says 3/4 inch of rain so far. The wind is blowing briskly.. This is a good day to stay home and read a book or write on your blog.. Yesterday I went to the Coop Feed Store in Springville to get black oil sunflower seed. They were out. So I bought a 10# pound bag of wild bird seed.. They are gobbling it up and the feeder is very busy. The white crowned sparrows are here this morning.. They don't stay long, they are migrating and this is just a stop over for them.. They come every year. I feel bad for the birds when this kind of weather is happening.
I looked on my computer to the website of the eagle cam that is in Decorah, Iowa.. They are getting 1-3 inches of snow today and the lens of the cam is covered with snow. So one can't see the eagel or her 3 eaglets.. I'll bet her nest is swinging to and fro high up in that tree. Maybe it will warm up enough the snow will slide off the cam and we can see her in her nest.. Her mate is really taking good care of her.. Sometimes I see him bringing her twigs and nesting material to repair the nest she is in with those 3 little ones. Yesterday he brought her a rabbit.. I didn't stay to see her pull it apart.. It's really cool to watch this eagle with her eaglets.. if you would like to see her,,,just to to ;;;;www.eagle cam decorah,iowa that should take you to the website.

Yesterday I picked up Ben at daycare.. He wanted his Mom to pick him up so he wasn't too happy.. But once he was in the car he was O.K. I took him to McDonalds and he got a cheese burger and some fries and a chocolate milk. Went to his Mama's house and we played Thomas the Train.. He hasn't played with the train for along time... Pa Pa Dee came and he played with us. I get to pick him up this afternoon and then he goes back to his dad's on Wednesday..:(
I hate divorces.. Ben has adapted . Poor kid he hates change and he is now getting better at going to his dad's and then to his mom's.. When I have him I just take him to his mom's house ~ one less house... This summer I'll bring him here to the house. We can go down to the creek and play...Try to make damns with rock piles and mud.. It never works because the water just washes it down stream. But it's fun while you try and get it built.. I used to do this with my other grandchildren.. Memories are fun to make..

My daughter , Jodie ordered this cane seat for her dad to use while we are in Sweden.. The other day I saw him fold it out and set on it.. It has a hammock seat and it looks really sturdy. He doesn't have the best of balance so he was seated in the hammock seat and then he was wobbling and trying to keep his balance.. He didn't fall down but it was funny watching him try and get his balance. He heard me laughing and said "Guess I need to practice using this">> I said Yes..
Preferably before we get to Sweden.. He has really bad feet and knees and can't stand for very long. This will come in handy when we go on the tours. or watch the plowmen plow.. Usually they have bales of straw to sit on while we are there and that is really good. It's an all day contest and one gets very tired... There will be almost 30 countries there to represent the World Ploughing Contest. There will be 2 contestants for each country. This year it's in Sweden mext year it will be in Croatia...I would really like to go to that one too.. But it takes $ to go.. I'll have to start saving up right away.

Have a Tiggeriffic Day~! Ta Ta For Now...from Iowa:)


Laura~peach~ said...

sounds like busy and somewhat fun stuff... I feel for ben but am now old enough to know that there is a time and place for divorce ... and fortunately it sounds like bens parents are doing the right stuff and putting bens heart and needs in the forfront which is a good thing. too many kids are used as pawns and hurt even more than they should be.
sweeden sounds awesome... have you heard of straw bale gardening? I saw something about it reciently and so want to try it!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I've been hearing about the storms in your 'time zone' and hope that you continue to be safe, and your little visitors get on their way safely too!!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Annie, I've been concerned about the bad weather and you so I'm glad to hear that you are alright. Divorce is hard on everyone. You going to all those different countries to participate sounds wonderful!...:)JP

JSpeas said...

Rainy and stormy here also. We even had a little snow fall. Come ON Summer! Give Bennie a hug for me and keep taking good care of him. :)