Here is Ben at his favorite person's house. Donna has a daycare and this is where Ben loves to go. The boys names are Tywin and Blake. They are 5 and Ben is almost 5. Wish I could get the pictures off my phone this morning . I have a cute picture of Blake and Ben playing with their DSI games. Blake is the boy with black shirt. Ben used to go to another daycare and he just hated it~! They didn't understand his busyness and he acted up for them.. I would of too if I felt they didn't like me. Donna loves him and she understands him. I wish Ben could of been with her before this.. He loves her and she loves him.
I'm so tired of cool weather and rain. Goodness to be 60 degrees this morning with the promise of being 65 later.
I would hate to be part of swimming lessons right now. Brrrr~! There is always something good that comes about with a irritation. Don't have to run the AC..electric bill will be low. Garden is looking good. Broccoli loves this cool weather plus the lettuce. As I look out my window the flower garden and vegetable garden is flourishing. Looks like the Preen I sprinkled on both gardens is holding back the weeds.. I worked so hard on both gardens to get those blasted weeds under control. I haven't canned in years , but am considering in doing that this summer. I love canned green beans, peaches, tomato sauce with green pepper/onion/garlic chopped into the sauce. We use a lot of salsa so I'm considering canning some of that. With food getting so expensive there are a few things I can can or freeze to save money for this winter. I planted a lot of seeds that can be saved for next year. Organic seeds.
Found a great pastor to listen to on my Ipod.. His name is James MacDonald and is from Elgin,Illinois. His church's name is Harvest Chapel Bible Church.. Oh my goodness, he preaches right from the word of God and his message is so good. The other pastor I listen to is Bill Hybels from Barrington, Illinois.. Willow Creek Community Church.. my son and his family go there and Bill has some really good sermons too. Just type in google their names and churches names and city and state.. that should get you to their websites.. When I go to bed at night I listen to their sermons. James MacDonald has a weekly message and a daily message.. His daily message is called "Walk in the word".. It's just good to hear God's word daily and this is a great way of settling down for the evening before you go to sleep. You can watch a video on their website if you would rather do that. You won't be disappointed~! When my daughter gave me this Ipod for my birthday in Feb.. I told her I didn't need one of these..and told her to take it back.. She showed me what to do with it and now you will have to fight me to get it away from me. I really enjoy all the Christian music I have on it and my podcasts.. I even have a podcast about knitting.
If you get time and want to hear some powerful messages from two great pastors please take time to listen to James MacDonald and Bill Hybels..
OH NOW THIS IS A GREAT IDEA~!~! The other night we had a bad storm and the electric went off. I got out my candles and got them all set out to burn safely. Went and found the flashlight ~ only to learn batteries were low.. Thank goodness I had batteries . Well, I went outside to take a look at the storm and saw my solar lights that I have lined up next to the driveway just glowing so brightly :) I brought them inside and put one in the living room, bathroom, kitchen and the hallway.. I was so happy with the light they produced I blew out the candles. If I wanted something from another part of the house where it was dark ~ I just took one with me.. Da Ta light on the go..no more flashlights, no more burning candles. This is so much better. Just to see how long they would stay bright I kept them inside the house. They lasted for 2 days and 2 nights. How about that,,I was surprised. They are outside now lined up next to my driveway getting recharged and glowing brightly again. Ben loves to carry them around at night in the yard. I told him if he stays all night at my house again this would be his nightlight in his bedroom where he sleeps when he comes to my house. He liked that idea:) When Ben and I were at WalMart last time we bought some for his house.. He said "GranAnnie my sidewalk glows just like yours". Lol...
Have a blessed day in the Lord.. ta ta for now from Iowa~!
Brilliant idea for using the solar lights! I will remember this trick next time we lose power. Love the sounds of your garden and canning ideas.
You know, I hear the same thing from my mom about the tiredness of rain and here I live in NC and we NEED rain so badly...my flowers AND the waterbills need rain so terribly.
take good care...and here's wishing you sunshine :)
Annie you are a wealth on information! Thanks for the solar light tip!!!...:)JP
Bennie sure looks like he's having fun at Donna's. You'll have to check the solar lights for bugs when you bring them in for Ben. Otherwise, you might have a screaming little blond head on your hands. Love the idea though.
What ever happened to that lady you were trying to help? I often think of her.
I'm at Type A Conference right now and met JDaniel4sMom. She was wondering where you'd been - she's missed hearing from you too :-)
It is amazing how long the lights gave off light. What a great idea is was to bring them inside.
You might enjoy my pastor's sermons. Here is a link to them: http://www.mitchellroad.org/sermons.
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