It is 54 degrees this morning and the birds have been fed.. I got the Oriole feeders filled and they were waiting in tree near feeder to have breakfast. Glad they don't have sugar diabetes. That grape jelly is loaded with sugar. :) I see that something heavy was on my platform feeder under the lilac bush , the legs were tilted badly~ when I came home last night from my sewing group I did smell a Skunk. P-U~! Guess when you feed the birds you get to feed the other animals that come at night. I'm sure the raccoons are out there too. Bless all their souls.
One of my favorite bloggers asked me what happened to the girl that my friend Holly and I helped out in January.. Her name is Jackie and she has two girls. Emma age 2 and Abigail age 5, pictured here on the left. Abigail has her hand in the air waving at me and Emma has her finger in her mouth.. Sweet little girls. Jackie lived in Holly's furnished basement until first of April. We helped her get her things out of her boyfriends house and got her settled in Holly's house in January. She was so grateful because she just didn't know where she was going to live. She just sat and cried and cried. She said that no one ever helped her and she was a mess. She couldn't believe that someone would take her and the girls into their home and show her such genuine love. She came to our bible studies on Tuesday nights and eventually asked God to be in her life.. What a change we saw in her ~~!
We nurtured her and helped her get a car so she could get to the community college to finish out the school year. In March we told her she would have to be looking for a place to live and get a job. She really didn't want to do that and was a little stubborn about moving on with her life. Who wouldn't want to stay, she had a very nice place to live and someone to help her take care of her kids and a place to sit down for meals.. Very Comfy.. She found a job at a Casey convenient store and a 2 bedroom apartment for her and her girls and we got her moved in the middle of March. She is so happy. She comes to our church every Sunday , she has a new job that pays well and she is looking forward to moving to a better apartment. But for now she is happy and working very hard to have a better life for herself and her girls. The boyfriend keeps in contact with her because the girls are his too. He has gotten a job doesn't drink or do drugs anymore and is trying to get his life back on track.. Jackie won't let him stay overnight or live with her. Good girl.. But he does get to see his girls and he really is trying hard to be a better person. So Holly and I are happy it turned out so well and we just think God had a part in all of this. Jackie is a very happy young lady who is so much in love with God, and she thanks us all the time for all the help .
Oh my~! That sun looks so wonderful ~! After having nothing but rain and cloudy days for a week now this is really uplifting.. I'm going to have to get dressed here soon and go outside and tackle those pesty weeds that think they can live in my garden. Get my tomatoes and snow peas tied up. My friend Carrol wants me to come to her house today and help her with her tomatoes. She has never had a garden and not sure what to do with them. We are going to take her Shepard's hook that she has bird feeders hanging from and move it closer to her house. She makes the best tea and has the most beautiful flower garden so I'm sure we will be able to sit out there in her garden and have some tea after we get things moved .
Ben is coming back to Tracie's tonight. Tracie called me and asked if I could pick him up.. Gladly~! He has been with his Dad for a couple of days. He is so happy now and talks all the time. I taught him how to play Old Maid and he loves that game. So I'm sure we will be playing a few hands of Old Maid. He also likes the game Battle Ship ~ he loves it when I tell him he has hit one of my ships. It's so cute he rubs his hands and just smiles big and of course a big Ya-Hoo comes from his mouth.
Have a blessed day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)
God Bless you and your friend for helping Jackie and her girls. I hope you enjoy your sun today. We finally have some too. So delightful!
Thank you so much for the update. She has always been in the back of my mind. I'm so glad things are going well for her!
I am glad she is going so well. It sounds like she gas a great job and is making great decisions.
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