Monday, November 14, 2011

Have you walked your pig today?

I have heard of walking your dog but never walking your pig.. I thought this was so funny.. This pig has on a dog collar and has a leash.  It's owner is being faithful and walking her pig.  I know people in Florida have these pigs and keep them in the house.. They have litter boxes for them. These kind of pigs do not have fleas.. This lady said her pig is great company and she just loves her.  Just can't imagine having one in my house..  I saw this pig while I was at the World's Plowing Matches in Sweden in May.. My brother, Dave wanted me to raise these pigs on our farm and sell them.. I politely told him "No"..  There was a lady in Springville where I live that raised one of these pigs and she said it was just like owning a dog ~ only better.. Pigs don't bark..
Ha Ha...
       Took Ben to pre-school today and he was excited. He was the snack leader and he brought grapes and carrots.  He had so much to tell me as we were driving into town. It was his birthday on Saturday and he was at his Dad's Mom's house. Ben said that Jogram and Pa Pa Jim had a birthday cake for him and his cousins ~ Collin and Courtney came to sing Happy Birthday to him. He loves musical cards and they got him a card. Jogram cut his hair and he said all his curls are gone. His hair was getting so long in the back it had cute curls.
He was jumping all around this morning in the living room and was glad when it was time to go to school.
      After I dropped Ben off at his part of the school I went to Mrs. Wittenburg's Class of second graders. These kids looked like they all had a busy week-end and didn't get much sleep.  They were all yawning.  Good thing they had a early out today.  They can go home and take a nap..
        It's a beautiful sunny day today and a little windy.  Perfect day to fly a kite..
      Have a great day~ ta ta for now from Iowa:)


Dawn said...

Oh my...a pig?! I guess it would come in handy if you ran out of bacon....(THAT was not nice...but I couldn't resist;))

JSpeas said...

Glad Bennie had a great birthday weekend!!

Sherri said...

One of my really good friends in college had a pet pig...I used to think it was so funny..but it was a tiny little thing! This pig is huge! I got a good laugh out of this!

Carolina Trekker said...

Brings to mind when you first moved to Iowa and rented the house on the pig farm. Some got out one night and you were running over hill and dale in the dark rounding them up. My first night sleeping at that house...we were just settled in bed and Rich came down the hall and said.."shut your window Ant Lynnie...the wind shifted!"

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Cute pig. I wouldn't want one in the house, even if it did use the litterbox.

Anonymous said...

It is overcast here. I am ready to have it get sunny again.

JDaniel got his curls cute yesterday too. He looks like a big boy again.