Wednesday, January 26, 2005

cheer up it's January

I hear everyone complaining that it's January~! The snow has you down? Well, here is a way to perk you up~! Go outside and listen to the birds singing, or watch the squirrels chasing each other round and round the tree. Put out some nuts in your feeders and watch the fat squirrels come and feast~! I have 5 feeders and the birds are all busy this morning eating to keep fluffy. As I watch my birdbath I can see water splashing all over, the birds are taking their daily baths. I love to see the big Blue J's taking their baths, they make the water spray all over and the other birds sit below and get a shower too. It's so entertaining to watch the birds~! Hope you are enjoying the fun in feeding birds and the squirrels. The moon is so full right now that when I get up at 1 in the morning I look out at my feeders and there is the night creatures, bunnies, possums, and raccoons. Have a happy January and enjoy what Mother Nature has to offer. It's quite enjoyable~!

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